May 27, 2010

Farewell Mama Elli and Baba Katsourides........Hello Kindergarten

Well, the time finally arrived.......sniff sniff.......Our Beloved Mama Elli and Baba (Andrew) decided it was time to retire and move to Florida. I knew this day would eventually arrive, however I was not ready for it to be this May. Many tears were shed and it felt like a piece of my heart was being ripped out by the strings. Reese has been going to Mama Elli's since he was about 16 months and James started when he was 12 weeks old. So do the has been a long time. They have TRULY become an intregal part of our family. Thank you Mama Elli and Baba for loving my children and helping me raise them everyday. You have impacted our lives more than you will ever know. We have moved on to a new place/daycare...but it will never be the same....ever. We love you dearly!


WOW - what a busy spring is has been thus far...Reese graduated from Preschool and is well on his way to being a kindergartener....makes me happy and sad all at the same time...He is growing and growing. My baby......sigh....turning into a young boy whether I am ready or not. Reese is full of energy every single day, never wanting to come in from outside...EVER. :) He is also such a great big brother to James. I really don't think he could love James anymore than he does. I am so proud of him and so grateful God blessed me with loving children.