Well Christmas is fastly approaching and Devin and Reese couldn't be more excited. James is probably excited too and is telling me all about it during one of his babble sessions. As I race throught this Christmas season buying gifts, wrapping presents, writing Christmas cards, making Christmas candy etc etc etc I often stop myself...slow down... and say a prayer thanking the Lord for the wonderful gift he gave me last year at this time. Christmas Eve and Christmas Day will be very different this year....thankfully. I will not be laying in a hospital bed constantly praying for the health of my unborn son. God blessed us with James 7 days after Christmas and for that I am forever grateful. This Christmas I am trying to remember where I was last year and when I get stressed....I remind myself it could be a lot worse.....
So...on that note....our family is going to enjoy the hustle and bustle of Christmas up to the last minute. My 2 boys and I are going to fight crowds and finish up our last minute shopping, make a BIG mess in the kitchen decorating cookies and making candy, and even go on a flashlight candy cane hunt tonight. We look forward to seeing our family on Christmas and are thankful we can all get together. One of Reese's favorite Christmas songs (other than "Santa Claus is coming to town" of course) is "Away in a Manger". I'm going to give you a reminder of one of the most important verses because I can't seem to get it out of my head.........
"Be near me Lord Jesus, I ask you to stay
Close by me forever and love me I pray
Bless all the dear children in thy tender care
And fit us for Heaven to live with Thee there"
Merry Christmas Everyone